Dr. Joyanna Silberg, PhD is the Executive Vice-President of the Leadership Council on Child Abuse & Interpersonal Violence. Her forensic practice specializes in child sexual abuse and she has served as an expert witness in 27 states.
Purpose of this site is to raise up intercessors for " The Suffering Children" going through Family Court. Our common prayer is: Lord raise up those who will become the hands, feet and voice of Christ to bring lasting real reform to our broken "Family Courts System". If our family doctor's take a oath. Above all not to harm the patient they treat. Our courts need to be held accountable to protect and not harm the Children. We the people must rise up and demand reform.
- FOX 54 Reporting on the Corruption of Family Court in Augusta
- Courageous Kids Network
- Warning to Parents?
- Divorce Corp
- My Advocate Center
- Whistleblower
- Dr. Joy Silbero Speaks Out
- Judge Speaks Out Salcido
- Crisis in Family Court
- Our Children at Risk
- Breaking The Silence
- No Way Out But One
- Prayer Points
- Blog . Tell The Truth
- FOX NEWS : Lost in The System
- Augusta Ga. Mother fights Family Court for the safety of her child