Prayer Points

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Prayer points 

Jesus is The Intercessor. Hebrews 7:25 The Bibles states we have not because we ask not.

We also ask a midst and do not know how to ask or pray. James 4:2 So ask of God, what to pray so you will hit the target, of what needs to be prayed each day. Let God bring his word to your remembrance and speak it and pray it.

When evil comes in, God will raise up a standard against the enemy and the enemy will flee. Isa_59:19

Jesus is the Lord of The angel armies and he will fight our battles.

Remember God works through man to pray and make change. God by his choice needs us.  

Pray for our leaders, for God to turn their hearts to do God's will. God will is found in The Bible. Heaven is a picture of what the perfect will of God is.

Pray love not hate. Always Forgive so your prays are not hindered. Forgiveness and love are a choice not an emotion.  God knows our hearts before we pray and he know our weaknesses. For someone in the midst of a court battle, their child in harms way forgiveness is hard. We simply put our hearts in God's hands ask God to help us pray for others as we would pray for ourselves, and those we know we love. Let God deal with our heart. Love is a choice not an emotion. Jesus understands your emotions and does not condemn you for them. Jesus while he was on the cross forgave those who hung him there. Jesus knows and feels our pain. Sometimes hurt people can not feel love or forgiveness for the abuser, but remember love and forgiveness are a choice.

But believe me Jesus is not a weak love sick puppy. In the temple in righteous anger Jesus ran out the money changers. story can be found in the book of Matthew. But we must leave all judgment to God and not our own reasoning and emotions. We are in a real sense running the money changers, greed, out of God's court systems. The government all government is upon the shoulders of Christ. He will bring correction and judgment. Let us humble ourselves and pray the way he tells us to pray and He will heal our court systems. We only know in part what our eyes see and what God open our eyes to see. Saul who killed Christians in the early church became Paul. After killing Steven a young man full of the love and grace of God. Steven as he was being stoned forgave his murders. Saul was the one who ordered Steven’s stoning as an officer of Roman. This Saul, Paul help change the world through his writings and preaching. He wrote a lot of our New testament. This story is found in the book of Acts in the Bible

One of these unrighteous Judges may be the very ones God will save our Children through to bring lasting change into our court system. That is what a whistle-blower is today.  Now that's true revenge in the hands of God. Against Satan the real destroyer, the real face of evil. God can take those who are deceived by Satan. Redeem them and turn them to be a friend of God. It's like taking the very weapon Satan is using and turn that weapon on Satan, Himself to destroy the works of Satan. What we want to do is stop the corruption and stop the suffering of our Children. Leave the judgment and vengeance to God. Pray let God bring correction anyway he so chooses and be willing to be the hands and feet of Christ.

Believers start praying today. I will from time to time post more pray points.